
Thursday 17 November 2016


Sometimes work doesn't finish on time. Sometimes it can't be avoided. And sometimes this fucks me right off.

Yesterday was such a day.
There was a job that needed doing although it wasn't imperative that it was completed yesterday. The world would have kept turning if it had been left for 24 hours or even until next week.
My boss had different ideas though.
"I'd like to get this done today," he said. "It's ok if you work back a little, isn't it?"
This was really a rhetorical question, but I said that yes, it was ok.
I didn't anticipate the task that needed doing taking all that long anyway.
"Any time we go over you can take off tomorrow. Or something."
That sounded reasonable. Wait though, what's 'or something'? Never mind.
There was an insane amount of fucking about and the task that could have seen me work late by around half an hour suddenly became two hours.
I should really have seen it coming as my boss is famed for underestimating the time it takes to do things. He probably thinks the Hundred Years' War lasted a week.
Leaving work very late, cold and not having had any lunch, my boss said to me: "Come in fifteen minutes later than usual tomorrow."
Gee, thanks.

I had to add this extra bit which states that while all the above is true I actually left work two hours early today. Yes, I was able to take the time back in one go. Very nice.
This can only mean one of two things.
One: my boss is a nicer person than I previously thought.
Two: he's a regular reader of The Ranting Man.
I'm off now to figure out how to stick this entire blog in a vat of acid.

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