
Monday 26 October 2015

Worst News Ever

Today’s news is some of the worst that’s been delivered in a long time.
“Bacon causes cancer!” announced almost every media outlet in the world, almost breaking the internet in the process.
We all know that bacon makes absolutely everything better - except bacon chocolate that I once tried, which was horrific - and the news has been generally treated as a bit of a joke.
There is an element of “this is what can kill you this week” about it, adding to an ever-growing list that harbingers of doom wish to deliver. “Experts” and “boffins” are regularly telling us of various health risks. If it’s not overcooked fish causing brain tumours, it’s orange Smarties being responsible for Crohn’s disease.
Most of it can probably be taken with a pinch of salt. If salt didn’t accelerate the risk of heart disease.
But what if it’s actually true this time?
It’s not only bacon, but all processed meats that could kill us, they say.
Sausages and black pudding will also be off the menu, making a full English just egg, mushrooms and beans on toast.
After a night on the town drinking heavily and smoking like a laboratory beagle, it’s not exactly comforting to know that the one thing that might make you feel better could actually kill you faster.
All red meats are high risk, apparently. Your next mixed grill could simply be egg or pineapple (never both) and chips.
Ham, salami, meatballs, et al are to be avoided, turning a Meat Feast into a simple Margherita as the only safe form of pizza. Add onions if you want to go totally crazy.
I can’t see the new LT sandwich catching on either.
And what’s that? Inhaling asbestos is also bad for you? That’s just great. They’re spoiling all of my main hobbies now.
I’m off to drink a glass of filtered water and eat a bowl of air, assuming neither of those will kill me.

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