
Wednesday 24 June 2015

Game of Thrones

Oh, you’re watching Game of Thrones, are you? Good for you.
I’m not. I got fed up with it after about two episodes.
I tried reading the books too, but gave up about halfway through the second one. There are approximately five million characters whose names it’s impossible to remember, and the family tree glossary contained more pages than the actual story.
Isn't it just some sort of The Hobbit meets The Neverending Story with extra dwarves and dragons anyway? Such is my disdain for it that I couldn't actually be arsed to do any proper research before writing this.
Everyone else in the world appears to be hooked on it. Why? Is it the killing and partial nudity? If so, I’m pretty sure you can find plenty of that in Hull on a Friday night.
Every day there are new “hilarious” Game of Thrones memes clogging up my social media feeds and I’ve had enough.
Posts that read: “SPOILER ALERT! <insert key plot twist that people who haven’t been watching the episodes online before it comes on British TV won’t be aware of here>” and: “OMG! They’ve killed off <insert name of character here>. Let’s boycott the show and demand they come back, like Bobby in Dallas” pop up in my Facebook feed and Twitter timeline every damn week. We all know your threat to stop watching is an empty one, much like mine to stopping drinking was the other week.
Even though it’s now ended for the year there’s no escaping it. Still, it’ll all be over in five years, presumably with all the characters meeting their demise in some hideous way which I’ll be fully briefed on without the need to ever watch.
Maybe I should start watching something obscure that nobody watches and flood everyone’s feeds with comments about it and see how they like it? Perhaps a forgotten 80s show?
You’re all lucky I couldn’t find any decent Charles in Charge memes now, because then there would have been a total fucking lolocaust.

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